Dynamically creating tiles - GBDK

How does a Tile work


To generate a tyle you can call a DMA method to write from cpu and ram to the VRAM. in GBDK it's your standard "set_?_data" types that handle these actions. I personally used the "set_bkg_data" as these are not limited like sprites are, allowing you to create a full scene of animated objects and graphics to your hearts content. And possibly overlay these with sprites as "UI" elements or additional game elements.

To find out how to write a tile you can create tests using the GameBoy Tile Designer, and creating a drawing like this to find out how these are tiles are set up. (Export as .C for GameBoy/GBDK)

//the code will look something like this
unsigned char TileLabel[] = {   
//let simplify this by making pairs of 2 and add a row number to each row.
unsigned char TileLabel[] = {        
    0x80,0x80, //y1
    0x88,0x88, //y2
    0xCC,0xCC, //y3
    0xF0,0xF0, //y4
    0xFF,0xFF, //y5
    0x80,0x80, //y6
    0x00,0x80, //y7
    0x80,0x00  //y8

Notice how a tile is 8 rows long and 2 bytes wide (2bytes = 16 bits), which doesn't match 8 pixels wide. Take a look at row 7, 8 and 1 in this order.

// y7 = bytes[] { 0x00, 0x80 } = light gray 
// y8 = bytes[] { 0x80, 0x00 } = dark gray 
// y1 = bytes[] { 0x80, 0x80 } = black 

So to create a black pixel both bytes need to be set the same. But how do we know which pixel is what. The trick is using the bits from a byte as 1 byte = 8 bits. The pixels are directly correlated with these.

see as y1 = uses  { 0x80, 0x80 } if you only focus on 0x80 and convert it to binary it is equal to "1000 0000"
y2 uses { 0x88, 0x88 } which in binary is equal to { "1000 1000", "1000 1000" }
y5 is a full black row of pixels { 0xFF, 0xFF } is equal to { "1111 1111", "1111 1111" }

now if I want a full LIGHT gray row in binary you would write { "0000 0000", "1111 1111"}  in bytes this would be { 0x00, 0xFF }
similarly a full DARK gray row in binary you would write { "1111 1111", "0000 0000"}  in bytes this would be { 0xFF, 0x00 }

Generating a Tile in Code

THIS TUTORIAL USES GBDK, recommended to test the game with BGB

Now we know how to formulate and manually write/design a single tile, let's create one fast and efficiently in code. To start off, copy a (bare-minimum) example project, open main.c and create the following global varriables:

  1. array named vramData with one tile's worth of bytes (16 bytes)
  2. array named vramTiles with 1 tile description;
  3. single x var.
  4. single tileBase var.
  5. single tileOffset var.
unsigned char vramData[] = {        
unsigned char vramTiles[] = {
    0xFF //last vram tile
UINT8 x = 0x00;
UINT8 baseTile = 0x40; //will be used for setting the standard vram position
UINT8 offsetTile = 0x00; //will be used for multiple tiles

This is the one tile to rule them all, you don't need any additional array's for multiple tiles. To go about rendering create a method named computeTile here we will for simplification write all bytes manually (you can replace this with for loops or your own implementation later). We will however loop over the X value; This will generate a vertical line that fills up the space.

void computeTile()
    vramData[0x00 + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x;
    vramData[0x00 + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x;
    vramData[0x0 + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y1
    vramData[0x0 + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x;
    vramData[0x2 + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y2
    vramData[0x2 + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x;
    vramData[0x4 + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y3
    vramData[0x4 + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x;
    vramData[0x6 + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y4
    vramData[0x6 + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; 
    vramData[0x8 + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y5
    vramData[0x8 + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; 
    vramData[0xA + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y6
    vramData[0xA + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; 
    vramData[0xC + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y7
    vramData[0xC + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; 
    vramData[0xE + 0x00] |= 0x01 << 7 - x; //y8
    vramData[0xE + 0x01] |= 0x01 << 7 - x;
    set_bkg_data(tileBase + offsetTile, 1, vramData);
void main(void){
    //...all in main
    // Game main loop processing goes here
    if(x >= 8){
        vramTiles[offsetTile] = baseTile; //set the current tileset
        set_bkg_tiles(37, 35, 1, 1, vramTiles); //posX, posY, tileWidth 1, tileHeight 1, tileSet
        //to make it flicker
        UINT8 clearVRAMI;
        for(clearVRAMI = 0x00; clearVRAMI < 0xFF; clearVRAMI++){
            vramData[clearVRAMI] = 0x00;
        x = 0x00;
    offsetTile = 0x00;

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